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Cigarette Destructive Enzyme System Lungs

One again the dangers of smoking. Cigarettes seem to be able to damage the function of the major enzymes in the lungs. These circumstances can cause various types of diseases that commonly affects smokers. Results of research conducted by several scientists in the U.S. Department of Energy's Brookhaven National Laboratory and their colleagues is published in the September edition of the journal Nuclear Medicine.

This study used a radiotracer to track the enzyme contained in the lungs. The results showed that the concentration of tracer in the bloodstream contained fewer smokers than non-smokers. In this study, it is assumed that the response of the body of smokers and nonsmokers on a number of chemical substances, such as sedatives, drugs, or drugs that go through the respiratory or both of the same vein.

"The effect of smoking on human health are high, but is not yet known pharmacological effects of smoking on the human body other than the effects of nicotine," said Joanna Flower, director of the Center for translational neuroimaging in Brookhaven.

Fowler and colleagues from Brookhaven, the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) and Stony Brook University also uses scanner positron emission tomography (PET) as a chemical tracer that is bound to the enzyme. This bond will form the enzyme monoamine oxidase (MAO A) are specific to track the amount of MAO A in the body of nine smokers and nonsmokers.

With parts of the body with PET imaging, scientists can measure the concentration and movement of radiotracer and MAO A, the type of enzymes that regulate their function and mental state of one of the enzymes that break down chemical compounds that contribute to regulate blood pressure.

Scanning results showed that the concentration and movement of MAO A in all normal organs except in the lungs of smokers. MAO A concentration lower than 50 percent of smokers than nonsmokers. It should be noted that previous studies showed a significant reduction of MAO A in the brains of smokers.

MAO A break down chemical compounds that disrupt blood pressure, while the lung is a major metabolic organ where these compounds degrade. The reduced concentration of MAO A in the lungs of smokers is one of the effects of smoking, including changes in blood pressure and lung function.

"The lungs of smokers has also established a tracer chemical much longer than other smokers. In addition, the transfer of tracer into the arterial blood vessels was lower in smokers, especially in the first minute after injection," said Fowler. These findings indicate that the body of smokers and nonsmokers respond differently to substances that enter the body through the bloodstream, such as medicines, drugs, additives, or toxin.

Fowler and his colleagues have been studying MAO for 30 years. Previous research by his group showed that the brains of smokers also experienced a decrease in concentrations of other enzymes of MAO B.

"For the first time, research shows that smoking will reduce the content of MAO in the brain and in some specific organ so that a new clue to study the influence of other cigarettes, such as Parkinson's disease in smokers and decrease the number of smokers in those who suffer from depression or substance-addicted additives, "said Fowler.

Effect of MAO are associated with smoking may also be used to study other things by comparing the enzyme content between the body of smokers and nonsmokers.
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